How long will it take for my order to arrive?

Processing: All orders are processed and shipped out within 3 business days. You will receive tracking information by email when your order has shipped.

Shipping: Our current shipping estimate for the United States, Canada, Australia, and Europe is 12-20 business days after the order has shipped. Our shipping estimates for all other countries ranges from two to four weeks depending on how remote the region is. FLY X GRAVITY is not responsible for delays in delivery by the shipping carrier. Delay of delivery is not grounds for refund.


Do you ship internationally?

Yes, we offer international shipping to ensure that customers can experience our brand anywhere in the world.

Do you provide tracking information?

Yes, once your order has shipped, you will receive a message containing the tracking number. Please allow 3-5 business days for updated tracking to become available.
Insured/Tracked Shipping is offered at checkout for guaranteed tracking updates on your order.

Is it safe to pay with debit/credit cards on your website?

We use SSL encrypted checkout to ensure that your payment information is secure. We do not have access to your payments information. We do not store your payment information. Purchasing in four interest free payments is also available through Sezzle at checkout.


I only received part of my order, where is the rest?

Some of our products are shipped from different distribution facilities. Please allow a few extra days for the rest of your order to arrive. If you still have not received the rest of your order after a few days, please feel free to contact us at support@flyxgravity.com so we can locate your additional packages.


Can I return my order?

We do offer a return policy. If you are not pleased with the product you received for any reason, contact us at support@flyxgraity.com or visit our "Store Policy" page for more details.